
BK2BAMA is possible thanks to the generosity of funders like you.
Please consider making a donation to help us continue this program.

BK2BAMA is funded entirely by student and faculty fundraising, including individual appeals, grant writing, bake sales, basketball tournaments, and more. The school provides no aid. To ensure the program is affordable for all students, guardians are not asked to contribute anything. Student fundraising remains a cornerstone of the program. Each student creates a fundraising page, sets a goal, and is held accountable for reaching out to loved ones in their communities for support. These young people recognize and deeply appreciate the integral part our donors play in this program. They understand that without your generosity, this unique opportunity would not be possible. I promise these students will make the very most of every cent you contribute. BK2BAMA proudly patronizes only Black-owned and operated businesses while in South (aside from lodging).

Family and friends,

BK2BAMA is back for its eighth year with a team of fourteen incredible students, who have been preparing for our trip since September. Because of your help, we have re-established this program stronger than ever at our new school!


This year’s cohort’s citizenships and curiosity set it apart. MacKenzie and Aissata aspire to be neurosurgeons and run bake sale fundraisers. Passionate feminists, Ashira, Ixarely, and Deyea have read John Lewis’ March books. Jaunaye and Joahan can’t wait to visit the Equal Justice Initiative after studying Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy in class. Zaniah and Muheez value community, and admire their parents and siblings. Jermani and Sam love helping others. Jermani organizes block parties to raise money for local children in need and Sam looks up to Ida B. Wells for exposing the horrors of lynching. Finally, Aïché, Isaiah, and Jaiden are proud of their Malian, Burkinabé, Guyanese, and Guatemalan heritage. To learn more about each student, click their name!


To support our team, DONATE HERE or mail checks payable to “Michael Pavlis” to:

702 Fulton St., Apt 1F

Brooklyn, NY 11217


You can also contribute through Venmo, @Michael-Pavlis, or Cash App, $MikePavlis. Please note BK2BAMA in the memo line.


For more information on BK2BAMA and our school, click here, follow us on Instagram at @bk2bama, or browse this website. You can also review last year’s trip itinerary here.


By the end of this year, BK2BAMA will have provided seventy-two students with a unique opportunity to learn from some of America’s strongest leaders, greatest organizers, and most courageous citizens. This now sizable – and growing – community does not exist without your generosity.


Best wishes and many thanks,

