Zaniah Adkins

My name is Zaniah Adkins. I am in eighth grade at Bedford Stuyvesant Collegiate. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My family likes to spend time together, play games, and talk. My mom and I are always together in the kitchen, and she taught me how to cook. My parents try to teach my siblings and me life lessons like going for what you want and standing up for what you believe in. 


My favorite book is The Hate U Give because it reflects the tragic and true stories of Black people’s lives. The book shines a light on racism and is educational for both young kids and adults. 


I have many heroes. Some are people I know, but others don’t know me. My mom is my hero because she tries her hardest and makes time to spend time with my brother, sister, and me. My mom has built so many amazing memories for our family. My dad is also my hero. He always makes my siblings and me smile or laugh, even though sometimes he’s not trying to. I’ve never met Angela Bassett, but I also look up to her. She is a successful Black woman who inspires girls, especially girls of color, to do what they want and believe in life. 


When I get older, I want to be a teacher because I want to help kids grow and be their best selves, but I also want to make learning fun. If I don’t become a teacher, I want to be a photographer because I want to take amazing pictures in New York, but also around the world. A picture is a thousand words, and I hope my photos can inspire people to travel around the world and do whatever they want in life.